Chapter 1606 Meet Dady's Wife:(Incest Sex):>Ep4
- The next day I woke up dad was gone. He left a note telling me to go enjoy the pool and he would meet me for lunch. I loved that idea, a relaxing day at the pool. I put on my bikini and headed up to the pool. It was a rooftop pool, and it overlooked the river, just beautiful. I was lying on my lounge when I noticed a little shop near the entrance. I walked over and realized it was a bathing suit store. I spotted a tiny little thong bikini and thought it would be a nice tease for dad. I went into the dressing room and tried it on. My ass was completely out since it was basically just a sting that went up my ass in the back. I paid for it and took it back to my lounge. I was trying to decide if I should meet him for lunch wearing it, or should I save it for up in the room and model it for him later on. I decided to put it on and see what happens. I changed in the bathroom and as I walked back, I could feel the eyes on me, and it felt pretty good.
- Like I said, I'm very small and petite with a tiny ass, so I knew I looked good wearing it. I laid down and waited for dad to arrive. Around 1:00 I saw him coming toward me, what I didn't expect was his two clients coming with him. Shit! I was stuck, I didn't want to embarrass him, so I stayed put. They said hello and my dad told me to join them for lunch at the outdoor bar. I said OK and I would meet them there. As they walked away, I called my father back to my chaise lounge. I said, "I have a little problem." I partially rolled over and showed him my bare ass. I said, "I'll skip lunch, I didn't mean to embarrass you, I didn't know they were coming I was just trying to tease you a little."
- He said, "Wow, that's gotta look amazing on you, and I don't care about them. The deals are done, this will just be a little bonus for them. So come to the bar and let's make them jealous Mrs. Luella. I laughed and stood up. I turned around and bent down in front of him to get my bag from the lounge. He said, "You really know how to tease don't you?"